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Updated 21 february 2021 year

Users Allowed

  1. Place your servers on a game host
    1. with any name
    2. with any version
    3. with any number of players
    4. at any location
    5. add anyone's account
  2. Change
    1. account information
    2. server content
    3. login data
    4. server name
    5. number of servers
    6. number of coins
    7. number of resources
  3. Deplos reserves the right to change the amount of resources/contents of the server without giving reasons. (in the case when trying to load the hosting).

Liability and Limitation of Liability

  1. Under no circumstances is Deplos Hosting responsible for
    1. server health
    2. its content
    3. save files
    4. actions that are performed on the server
    5. change server structure
    6. distributing information to connect to the server
    7. transferring server rights to others
    8. manual reinstallation of the server
  2. Under no circumstances is Deplos hosting obliged to distribute information about payments made and payment receipts received.
  3. Under no circumstances is Deplos hosting responsible for the global loss of files in free locations; the user himself monitors his files, makes backups; the responsibility is fully transferred to the owner of the server (user), hosting is not involved in this case.
  4. In the event of a global data loss, regardless of the status of the user, the user cannot blame the hosting for the loss of data in free locations, since the user agreed with the offer, and the conditions apply: Article 2 paragraph 2.2, 2.1, 2.1.2, 2.3, 2.8, 2.7.2.
  5. All rules must be followed, regardless of the user's status.
  6. The user undertakes to comply with the rules of the offer, as well as to fulfill them. If it is revealed that the user has violated the rules of use, he will be blocked until the causes are eliminated. Otherwise, forever without the possibility of recovery.
  7. Deplos is completely released from responsibility for the safety and correct operation of the server
    1. the user himself makes the final decision on the server
    2. correct operation of the server depends on the user
    3. for purposeful server failure, the user undertakes to restore it on his own
  8. When you click the button: Login, Create a server, Login with Discord, Login via discord, Register + you agree to the terms of the offer, agree to comply with the terms.
  9. The user is fully responsible for his server.
  10. Deplos may delete a user's server if it is not used for a long time.
  11. Deplos can ask the user to check for the presence of an ad blocker through a screenshot. The user must send a screenshot to the employee; if the user has an ad blocker, the user will be blocked until the causes are eliminated.
  12. The creator of the hosting can ban and / or mute and / or kick a person from the Discord server for no reason at his discretion (if he knows this person).
  13. By joining the hosting Discord server, the user automatically agrees to the terms of use of the hosting and chat rules.
  14. Ignorance of the rules of using the hosting does not release the user from responsibility.
  15. The user certifies Deplos and confirms that he will observe changes to the hosting rules.
  16. Deplos has the right to change the hosting rules without notifying the user.
  17. The user agrees to the terms of use when registering on the hosting or creating a request for technical support.
  18. Even if a person has purchased a paid plan and become a hosting donor, he must still comply with all the rules. All rules must also be observed, including: Article 3.4 part 2 paragraph e; e.
  19. After purchasing a paid plan and/or additional resources and/or an addition to paid and/or free plans, the money cannot be returned.
  20. By purchasing a paid plan and/or an add-on to a free plan, the user agrees to all terms of use and represents Deplos to comply with them.
  21. Even if a person has purchased a paid tariff and/or an add-on and/or additional resources to his tariff, Deplos reserves the right to block any server and/or change the amount of resources, regardless of status, without explanation.
  22. Visitors visiting the site may not copy phrases from the hosting or description without the permission of Deplos, even if Deplos is not registered in copyright. (applies to all visitors browsing the service's sites).
  23. User can request deletion of account from Deplos hosting.
  24. Deplos may change fare conditions and|or fare prices at any time without notice to the user.
  25. Deplos hosting issues compensation for the loss of user files at its own discretion; compensation also cannot be issued without explanation.
  26. If a user finds an error and/or defect and/or bug on the hosting, then he must report it to technical support. In case of dissemination of information about the hosting defect, the user will be blocked without the possibility of recovery.
  27. Commissions charged by the vds/vps provider are paid by Deplos hosting from their own funds.
  28. A user who owns such projects, such as: game hosting (minecraft), YouTube channel, will be banned from the Deplos hosting discord server without the possibility of recovery.
  29. Deplos does not guarantee 100% absence of brakes on paid tariffs with a private location.
  30. In the event of an erroneous transfer of funds from the user to the hosting, the add-on and / or paid tariff and / or private location cannot be issued. Deplos Hosting is not responsible for receiving funds from the user.
  31. The user has the right to refuse the use of hosting.
  32. Paid tariffs can be issued up to 7 days, otherwise the issuance may not be carried out.
  33. Deplos may shorten the fare period without explanation.
  34. If the tariff has not been suspended after the expiration of the term, Deplos has the right to demand compensation for hosting losses.
  35. Deplos Hosting may pause and/or disable the server, regardless of user status, for bursty load and/or high load. Also, the server may be suspended and/or disabled for 100% CPU usage for several hours.
  36. The user must register with mail from popular services. Registration by temporary mail is not allowed.
  37. Donators (or the so-called users accidentally admitted to tickets) do not have the right to interfere with the responses of moderators' tickets if there was no approval from the administration. The text that appeared from an unapproved user entails the removal of the role of the donator (without the possibility of recovery) or another another that does not imply replies in moderator tickets.
  38. Deplos reserves the right to block or delete a server or account without giving reasons (in case of violations of hosting rules.)

Users denied

  1. creating multi-accounts and servers on them.
  2. install any plugins that show information about hosting machines.
  3. install operating systems such as: Linux and others.
  4. install game donation sites in a non-factory way.
  5. install Discord bots non-factory.
  6. create many servers and don't use them for a long time.
  7. upload photo or video to server.
  8. use server as cloud storage.
  9. create accounts with inappropriate username or email.
  10. create servers with an inappropriate name.
  11. spam in tech support chat
  12. insult tech support staff
  13. create a server with loaded version and don't use it
  14. create a server and then don't use it
  15. use ad blockers; use scripts that block ad blocks
  16. use VPN servers that block ads
  17. offend hosting users
  18. promote third-party projects (including your own YouTube channels)
  19. mislead hosting users, including hosting creators
  20. have more than 1 hosting account, otherwise, if more than 1 account is detected, the user will be blocked in the hosting system without the possibility of recovery
  21. mislead or deceive technical support or hosting administration
  22. ping the creators in the hosting discord server
  23. use mate in chat with users in hosting discord server
  24. Show or send 18+ content no matter where.